Four Colors

43. Four Colors For the last seven or eight months I have been getting up early enough each morning to do a brief routine of exercise (10 minutes) and then sit in bed with a wooden lap labyrinth, a clip board with a mandala…

Follow Your Impulse

42. Follow Your Impulse In the days when I went into the city for an entire day, Fifth Avenue was one of the streets where I made stops. One day I passed Steuben Glass, pausing at the window to look at the magnificent pieces…

The Kids on the Couch

41. The Kids on the Couch Years ago when I took a Pastoral Studies Program from Blanton Peale Institute, one of the instructors was Pat Briegs. After I finished that two year program, I saw Pat for another two years with her being therapist…

Power of Music to Relax

40. Power of Music to Relax I’m going to tell a secret here that only a few people know. Sometimes, when I go to a concert, I tell the person I’m with, “I may fall sleep. If I do, wake me up gently ONLY…

Be Available When Someone Wants to Talk

39. Be Available When Someone Wants to Talk I learned this when my children became teenagers. For the most part, when they reached those magical ages of the teen years, they talked on their schedules. They talked when they felt like it. They shared…

Believing the Bible

38. Believing the Bible People write volumes about their beliefs about the Bible. I will write paragraphs. I believe the Bible is the most important book there is. I think there is amazing truth within its various books. I think there are secrets and…


37. Rainbows Rainbows have come to mean inclusion to me—all the colors are there, nothing is left out, and it is beautiful to behold. I believe that it is true for people too—everyone is “in.” It has been interesting to me to watch the…

Be With the Art

36. Be With the Art In the early 80’s I visited a friend in Boston and for two days this friend would deliver me to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts as they opened and pick me up at the end of the day,…

Build Each Other Up

35. Build Each Other Up One of my favorite Bible verses is from 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, verse 11: Therefore, encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing. I wish it were true that I do it all the…

What You Have More Of

34. What You Have More Of Yesterday’s writing of what I have learned told the story of Itzhak Perlman, who played a concert with three of the four strings on his violin. And when he finished to wild applause said, “Sometimes it is the…

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