Kum Ba Yah

115. Kum Ba Yah Another children’s choir story centered around “Kum Ba Yah.” It didn’t take us long to learn it, because many of them already knew it. And so after they had it well in hand, we added the American Sign Language signs…

Lonesome Valley

114. Lonesome Valley I love some moments of worship. When I was directing the children’s choir at New City United Methodist Church, the children learned “Lonesome Valley.” After they were pretty secure with it, I said that for the last verse I wanted them…

“Grace and Grit”

113. Grace and Grit I write this within an hour of finishing reading the book Grace and Grit—Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber by Ken Wilber. I found this book to be profound and what I’ve learned from…

That Kind of Time

112. That Kind of Time I love Anne Lamott’s books and I recently was reminded of a story in one of Traveling Mercies. She wrote about going shopping with her friend Pammy who was in a wheelchair and struggling with cancer. Anne was looking…

Chaos and Void

111. Chaos and Void Chaos and void are resources to be used. In my first experience in a clowning workshop, this was one of my learnings—a new concept for me at that time. There was a social-action clown from the midwest named Tom Woodward….

Root Strength

110. Root Strength My mother had a set of books by Harold Kohn that she passed on to me and last year I read all three of them—each filled with short one or two-page essays. In one of them, Adventures in Insight, Kohn describes…

Go For It!

109. Go For It! I preached a sermon once and used the story of the man who is going to walk a tightrope across Niagara Falls pushing a wheelbarrow. A crowd has gathered to watch and the man stands at the edge and asks…

Anticipation Living

108. Anticipation Living I don’t know if this ever happens to you, but lately I’ve been doing some anticipation living. By that I mean that I seem to be going through my days thinking, “Now if I can just get through this event, or…

Sitting On the Edge

107. Sitting on the Edge Sometime before 1995 I watched a movie that I barely remember, except that it had something to do with sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon. It became a dream of mine, and in 1995 I took the…

Value of Regret

106. Value of Regret I recently did a one-woman show and it was such fun, once all the preparation was done, and the last minute jitters were over, and I stepped out and did it. There were close to a hundred people; we raised…

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