Poet, Author, Composer....
I still notice the sign on the restroom door as I enter. I would say that in the last thirty-five years the signage issue has improved and many more restroom doors say “Women” than used to. But I stay vigilant because occasionally there are still attempts to be cutesy.
That’s easier for me to tolerate than when the other door says “Men” and my door says “Ladies.” I wrote a song once that isn’t in this collection that said, “Hey you need to know I’m not a lady—never have been one so I’ve been told. And I don’t intend to be a lady—it is just not one of my goals.”
Just put “Women” on the restroom door—Thank you.
The interesting thing about this song is that it started out being about women——and it still can be about women and their struggle in this country and all over the world to survive.
And at the same time the song never uses the word women. It can also be about race, or LGBTQI, or those of us in this country who are working toward justice and reason for the common good.
It can be about refugees.
But along with the frustration words, there are other words—standing firm together, forging a strong bond, growing in new ways, birthing dreams and visions growing.
But ultimately it says that through every day we will survive because we’re survivors.
#womansongs/peacesongs #feministmusic #strongwomanballad #survivors #metoo #annfreemanprice
If ever there was a time for a woman to not ask permission, it is now. Whether it is mother, teacher, preacher, husband, next-door neighbor, congress-person, I’m ready for each woman to think it through, ask questions for clarity, and decide for herself.
No asking, no putting myself in that position. If I make a mistake, so be it. I learn from that too. But I don’t learn from leaning or from dependency.
Just go for it.
The first song in the CD Woman Songs Peace Songs is “Tendering” and I still identify with the very personal focus that spurred the original writing. Now there seems a whole new level on top of that personal one. It’s the level that speaks to the whirlwind of things going on in the world, in this country, sometimes in our own backyards. And it definitely speaks to that feeling of being alone and overwhelmed.
Please, right now, I need some tendering. I want some tendering. And I give some tendering too.
I wrote Take Back the Night in the 1980’s……
Today with the emergence of the #MeToo movement it remains relevant. It continues to say “Respect each one of us. We are strong. And you need to know that we will speak out.”
Take Back the Night—–There is a growing movement among women which says, “We refuse to fear—to stay home—to be dependent. The night is ours too. We will go out together and we will ‘take back the night.’”
The songs on the CD “Womansongs, Peace Songs and I Didn’t Know” are now available via CD Baby and distributed on I-Tunes, and Spotify.
Amazingly these songs were written and recorded in the 80’s. By now I expected some of them to be irrelevant. But many are about the human condition and consequently they are still with us today.
We Need Plowshares—–Reconciliation is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. As it was once spoken in Biblical times, it is now more than ever—time to beat the swords into plowshares. For it is time to decide against war—anymore.
People Want Peace So Much—–In 1959 in London, Dwight D. Eisenhower said the first 23 words of this song. I wonder when governments will listen to the people? Or, I wonder when the people will insist that their governments “get out of the way” and let them have the peace they want.
Peacemakers—–The talk of peace is lofty, but the action of peace is specific, beginning with me. The excitement of it is that as each of us begins to live in concrete ways as a peacemaker, the fears begin to fade and we feel the healing and the wholeness. Blessed are those who make peace for they shall be called the children of God. May I be one of them.
Caught up—here’s #7 in PAD Challenge–Poem-A-Day—and this one is for today.—ANN
A Week of Weakness
Sunday I buy chips and eat some too
Tuesday I swear off but the chips just flew
to the bowl where they were just the day before
Wednesday I decide not to go to the store
I finish up the bag on Wednesday night
Thursday is the day where the sun shines bright
so bright I buy a bag to just see me through
the weekend that is coming and I already knew
every day of the week I’ve eaten chip – chip – chip
they’re so very salty they’ll look good on my hip
Friday and Saturday the chips I’ll seek
because ev’ry single day I am weak – weak – weak
Almost caught up now–here’s #6 in PAD Challenge—ANN
Praise Acrostic in Movement
Praise to God for the gift of this day
Raise both arms in a side-to-side sway
And circle your self around and around
Include high and low – then touch holy ground
Stand tall in praise – clap hands – stamp feet
Ever and always your God to greet
And this is #5 in the PAD Challenge—ANN
Chip Warning
the warning should be there
on package clear to see
so one who’s overeating
could readily agree
that they’d been warned and really knew
without a single doubt
that if they ate one hundred chips
they then should give a shout
for people to come fast who know
how with a little luck
to put her body together again
cause she’s gonna self-destruct
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Consensus on Patriotism
Posted on September 1, 2018 by Ann
1 Comment
September 1, 2018
Consensus on patriotism. Today I watched the three hour memorial service for John McCain and heard a consensus on patriotism—what it is, what it isn’t. I was moved by a family that expressed in words and in presence their love for this man that modeled for them so much of value and principle and respect.
I was moved by words from two former U.S. presidents of two different political parties how John McCain worked with them and how he worked in the Senate, reaching out across the aisle, standing up for what he believed deeply, willing to compromise in order to move forward.
I’m hoping that every member of Congress was either there in person or watching the entire service and that each Congressional person absorbed the lessons that were so powerfully expressed.
The tendency is to put off—to say I’ll stand up for that tomorrow or possibly next week, and I thought it was all captured in the quote from Ernest Hemingway that former President Barack Obama used: “Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.”