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April Books
In April I read ten books—these are the ones I would highlight.
Marked for Life—The story of Hildegard Goss-Mayr by Richard Deats. I have known Richard Deats for over thirty years and didn’t think I could admire him more than I already do. But after reading this book I admired him more and admired Hildegard Goss-Mayr, whom I have never met. If you want to read about lives that believe in the power and practice of non-violence, read this book. One quote from page 115: “Christians need to be first to advocate nonviolence—not last.”
The Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss. If you haven’t read it, go to the library and get it. I’m not sure at all that this is a children’s book. What an ending!
Telling Her Story—Theology out of women’s struggles by Lois Miriam Wilson. This was a short little book but with wonderful ideas for as she called it “Unlocking the Scriptures.”
I also read two books by Cassandra King. She is married to Pat Conroy and I read in a writer’s magazine an interview with the two of them. I had read a few of Pat Conroy’s books but none of Cassandra King. They were light and good reads.
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