Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Yesterday I received this quote and thought I would pass it on to you on this Thanksgiving Day: “Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.” It’s by Brian Tracy. I had not heard of him before but he is CEO…

Simple Living—-Take Two

Simple Living—Take Two I shared with you the other day a paradelle I wrote on simple living. It was fun to write and I wanted to try writing one. But in terms of a form to use for the topic of simple living, it…

Simple Living and a Paradelle

Simple Living and a Paradelle I’ve never written a paradelle before. It’s a poetry form concocted by Billy Collins, almost as a joke and then people started writing them. See if you can figure out the ingredients of the form. It was fun to…

Driving Energy

Driving Energy Some of you know this about me. Some of you don’t. Maybe it’s time to put you all on the same page. Driving Energy I think of the old-fashioned coffee percolator with the clear glass ball on top where you saw the…

Nested Meditation

Nested Meditation I recently read an article by Kevin Anderson called “The Nested Meditation.” His directions for writing one was that each stanza is a place where you can pause to meditate. The very first stanza is simply one line. The next stanza continues…

Grandchild – Grandmother

Grandchild / Grandmother Several years ago as I asked for birthday suggestions for one of my grandsons, and his mother (one of my daughters) told me the type of shirt he liked and his size. She also said, “He’s really hard to buy clothes…


Writing I’m not promising a post every day—but I AM writing something every day. Here’s a poem back from the early weeks of doing this daily stuff. Writing there once was a woman who tried to create a chant or a poem each day…

The Summer Carousel

The Summer Carousel I have been a carousel lover for a very long time, visiting the historical carousel factory outside of Buffalo, NY and riding their FAST carousel. They told us that carousels started out only as an adult ride, so they went fast….

A Summer of Writing

A Summer of Writing Somewhere during the June summer days I read about someone who wrote something every day. I thought: Wow—that would be something to try. And I’m trying it. I started on June 30th and here on August 15th I’m still going…

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