
270. Anyway In the devotions I do each morning I came upon this today. I’ve read it before but somehow it struck home a little bit more today. The last two lines are the clincher lines. — People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; forgive…

Carolyn Freeman, My Mother

269. Carolyn Freeman, My Mother Mom was born on March 14, 1910. She was the oldest of nine children and we never really talked about what that was like. I know that she quit highschool early in her senior year so that she could…


268. Survivors In the midst of the women’s movement in the 80’s I wrote the song “Survivors.” It is dedicated to Nan Self of the national Commission on the Status and Role of Women in the United Methodist Church. I met her at a…

Long-Time Lovin’

267. Long-Time Loving In 1992 on March 12th my friend Paul Abels died. Paul for many years was the pastor of the Washington Square United Methodist Church in Greenwich Village in New York City. I had first known him in Rockland County, NY, then…

Turn Around

266. Turn Around A dozen years ago I wrote a song for some children’s vacation church school curriculum about God forgiving us. The words went like this: — Turn around, God forgives Mistakes you make, as you live. Turn around, God alone Says to…

Grandchildren in Proverbs

265. Grandchildren in Proverbs The first half of Proverbs 17:06 says: Grandchildren are the crown of the aged… I have four children and they have married and between them all have gifted me with sixteen grandchildren. Through the years I have collected their stories,…

Fear Acrostic

264. Fear Acrostic When I first saw this acrostic I saved it because I thought it was wise. F = False E = Expectations A = Appearing R = Real That’s pretty true of my fears. When I get scared I certainly do have…

Vision of the Church

263. Vision of the Church There is on line a website called United Methodist Insight. And when I checked it today I found an article and responded to it. Here is what I wrote: I find myself agreeing with Robert Rynders that the “United…

Thoughts On Hell

262. Thoughts on Hell These are my personal thoughts on hell: 1. I think Hell is a scare tactic to get people to behave. 2. The God in whom I believe, does not, did not, will not create a place like Hell. 3. It…


261. Finger-Crocheting I’m feeling better and it takes a 2007 story plus a 2013 story to explain it. First 2007: My daughter Donna was on the phone. Her daughter, SadieGrace, age six, was finger crocheting. I said to her, “I’d like to learn to…

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