Poet, Author, Composer....
240. It’s Time for the Bake Sale I recorded a song in 1983 and wouldn’t you know it’s still applicable today, so I’ve re-released it in a CD. And it all has to do with the Defense Budget and whether it can be cut….
239. Pancakes and Plenty Well, I didn’t exactly have pancakes on this Shrove Tuesday, but I did have plenty to eat today and I guess that’s all right on the brink of Ash Wednesday. Last year I wrote a psalm in Shadorma form every…
238. Tribute to Don Brown Don Brown was a United Methodist pastor and more—much more. But I first knew him when he was the pastor at New City United Methodist Church in New City, NY. And at the same time, I was in the…
237. Same Story—New Version Years later I heard a new interpretation: that we all are the judge and the persistent widow is God who continues to ask us to do justice. Here is Version #2 of the song: — We are the judges in…
236. New Ways To Think In Luke 18:1-8, there is the parable of the unjust judge. In 1995 I wrote a song for church school curriculum about the persistent widow who kept coming wanting justice. — She Never Gave Up — There is a…
235. “Many Roads, One Journey” The full title of the book is Many Roads, One Journey—Moving Beyond the 12 Steps by Charlotte Davis Kasl. I’ve been reading this book slowly over a number of months. It has sixteen steps (rather than the twelve steps…
234. Mama and “Minnie Remembers” Years ago my mother called me on the telephone and read me a poem called “Minnie Remembers.” It was by Donna Swanson and told the story of Minnie, who was old and nobody touched her or called her by…
233. Extraordinary! One of my goals for this year is to have some extraordinary times. I went to the dictionary and found the word divided this way for pronunciation: ex-traor-di-nar-y. The definition is: beyond ordinary. Yes, that’s what I’m looking for this year—some things…
232. Refugee Each Of Us We have passed the time in the church year where they commemorate Jesus and Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt. But as we approach spring, we may be coming to the time when immigration is a political issue. But…
231. My Preaching Years I feel so lucky to have been able to preach for the years I did (and sometimes still do). It came about when I was the music director at a small American Baptist Church in Nyack, New York and they…
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