Root Strength

110. Root Strength My mother had a set of books by Harold Kohn that she passed on to me and last year I read all three of them—each filled with short one or two-page essays. In one of them, Adventures in Insight, Kohn describes…

Go For It!

109. Go For It! I preached a sermon once and used the story of the man who is going to walk a tightrope across Niagara Falls pushing a wheelbarrow. A crowd has gathered to watch and the man stands at the edge and asks…

Anticipation Living

108. Anticipation Living I don’t know if this ever happens to you, but lately I’ve been doing some anticipation living. By that I mean that I seem to be going through my days thinking, “Now if I can just get through this event, or…

Sitting On the Edge

107. Sitting on the Edge Sometime before 1995 I watched a movie that I barely remember, except that it had something to do with sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon. It became a dream of mine, and in 1995 I took the…

Value of Regret

106. Value of Regret I recently did a one-woman show and it was such fun, once all the preparation was done, and the last minute jitters were over, and I stepped out and did it. There were close to a hundred people; we raised…

Dance the Tripudium

105. Dance the Tripudium The tripudium is an ancient processional step of three steps forward and one step backwards. It is still used in Luxembourg today. I met it for the first time at a dance workshop with Doug Adams. He taught that it…

Ebb and Flow

104. Ebb and Flow Ups and downs, ebb and flow, feeling positive or negative, having highs or lows—it’s all the same picture. Ann Morrow Lindbergh in her classic book “Gifts From the Sea” talks about the ebb and flow of the ocean and how…

Free – Not Freeze

103. Free – Not Freeze In the June 21 posting, I mentioned my involvement in a goal setting program called “Best Year Yet,” and my motto for one of my years. Another year my motto was: I Make Choices That Free Myself, Not Choices…

Words, Words, Words

102. Words, Words, Words I’m back to writing about words because I think they’re so important. As children we chanted: sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me. And it’s just not true. Words can wound and wound deeply….

Three Kinds of Time

101. Three Kinds of Time There are three kinds of time. The first is represented by a circle and it includes all those kinds of time that repeat themselves—the seasons, clock time. moon cycles. The second is represented by a line and that includes…

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