Song Dedicated to Thich Nhat Hanh

100. Song Dedicated to Thich Nhat Hanh In 1988 I wrote a song which I dedicated to Thich Nhat Hanh. The words here give you some idea of a small part of what I have gained from this man. Peace – One Step At…

Thich Nhat Hanh

99. Thich Nhat Hanh It’s hard to believe that this is my 99th posting and that I started on June 19th and it is now September 25th. AND hard to believe all of that and that I have not once mentioned Thich Nhat Hanh….

Dance at Day’s Start and Finish

98. Dance at Day’s Start and Finish I have always liked to dance – not ballroom dancing – but creative movement. And a couple of days ago it occurred to me that at age 79 I didn’t have to give it up and could…

“Be” for Someone

97. “Be” for Someone This is the day of my one-woman show in Sparta, NJ and it has been momentous preparing for it. Pulling musicians together. Teaching the final song to a few grandchildren. Getting the program finished (ten pages). Preparing the patter between…

I Am Not the Center of the World

96. I Am Not the Center of the World I wrote this song in the 1970’s in a time when I thought I was the hub and the children and the home and the husband all depended upon me and I had to come…

Keep On Going

95. Keep On Going I’ve written about having gone to Dalcroze in #23 in these Things I’ve Learned. And another thing I learned there was to keep going. In sight singing as we worked with singing a piece of music, the teacher kept saying…

Handful of Quietness

94. Handful of Quietness I have always loved the words in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible for Ecclesiastes 4:6 – Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and striving after wind. Years ago I wrote an choir…

Another Take On Pennies

93. Another Take On Pennies In my fourth entry in Things I’ve Learned I wrote about Wayne Dyer and his feelings of abundance when he came upon a penny in the street and picked it up. Just recently I read about Annie Dillard’s take…

Let It Go #2

92. Let It Go #2 Just a couple of days ago I wrote about L.I.G. which stands for Let It Go. And I wrote those words referring to frustration, obsessing, being critical. And I’d like to continue the concept further—a lot further. I’d like…

Structure of Dailies

91. Structure of Dailies I love creating the structure of dailies—some things that I do every day (or at least almost every day). For a number of years now I have read the Upper Room Disciplines as I eat breakfast. Then I discovered that…

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