Exploration of Normal

80. Exploration of Normal Normal is a setting on a dryer. I heard that somewhere. And I need to write it again: Normal is a setting on a dryer. Sometimes I get to questioning myself and wondering about what I do. I get to…

How My Brain Works

79. How My Brain Works I have written now for many years and I’ve discovered something that I think is true about how brains work, or at least how my brain works. When I have a deadline, especially one with a given theme, I…

A Poem on Pronouns

78. A Poem On Pronouns I have a college friend from Butler University in the 1950’s and her name is Myra Britton. Through the years we have stayed in touch, she and I and her husband, Don. The three of us saw each other…

Story of “My Words”

77. Story of “My Words” A number of years ago, I worked with a pastor where mid-way through the week I would ask him what he was preaching about. He would give me a scripture and a general direction on where he was going….

Lighten Up

76. Lighten Up There is an Irish proverb which says “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” I believe that—plus the admonition to lighten up, but I have a hard time implementing both. I remember once…

Read the Psalms and Write

75. Read the Psalms and Write I did a workshop once with Kathleen Norris, and have subsequently read a number of her books—Dakota: A Spiritual Geography; The Cloister Walk—and others, and in these books and in person she talked about taking retreats in a…

I Love Your Necklace

74. I Love Your Necklace I can’t remember who taught me this simple concept—when you get a compliment, accept it graciously. You know the times when someone says, “Oh, I love your necklace,” and you’re a little embarrassed at the compliment so you say,…

It Took Me a Lifetime

73. It Took Me a Lifetime It took me a lifetime to get where I am. This concept has helped me to be kind to myself, to not waste too much time having regrets about what I didn’t do earlier, and to acknowledge that…

Noticing the Crocus

72. Noticing the Crocus My grandson Zachariah is now 23 years old, but when he was almost two I did a great deal of day care for him in my home in Nyack, NY. During the day we usually went for a walk, and…

Task Force on Human Sexuality

71. Task Force on Human Sexuality I was asked in the 70’s to be co-chair of a Task Force on Human Sexuality (actually focusing on homosexuality) for the Northern New Jersey Conference of the United Methodist Church. It was to be a balanced task…

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