Regret When a Friend Dies

70. Regret When a Friend Dies I’m in the middle right now of having had a friend die, and in the past few years it has happened again and again. It’s not guilt I feel. It’s regret—regret that once more I didn’t stay in…

“Immortal Bird”

69. Immortal Bird I read a lot—often three books a week. This year the most memorable one so far has been Immortal Bird—A Family Memoir by Doron Weber. I fell in love with Damon, the boy in this book with a damaged heart. At…

Give Yourself a High-Five!

68. Give Yourself a High Five! I was reading one of my evaluation forms from the two years that I attended the Blanton Peale Pastoral Counseling training, and I found one place where I wrote: “Ann—Give yourself one power fist and two exclamation points…

Music Changes Pain

67. Music Changes Pain When I was at New York University doing a masters in music therapy, I did part of my internship at Memorial Sloan Kettering, and it was there that I learned in a very real way that music changes pain. Part…

Put a Rainbow In Your Life

66. Put a Rainbow in Your Life I have learned it brightens my day to have some intentional rainbows. I cannot wait all the time for a storm on a sunny day followed by a crescent of colors in the sky. I need rainbows…

Person With Dementia

65. Person With Dementia I worked in a nursing home for eleven years as a music therapist, and then moved to a different nursing home for another two years. In both facilities, I worked with persons with dementia. And I learned. The most important…

Why Is She So Angry?

64. Why Is She So Angry? There was a time when I took a two-year course in storytelling, taught by Midge Miles. We usually met at a Catholic retreat center on the Hudson River. My first time there I didn’t know what door to…

Winning and Whining

63. Winning and Whining Quote One of my top ten quotes is this one: The difference between a “winner” and a “whiner” is the sound of the “I.” That is an A.A. axiom from the book The Spirituality of Imperfection—Storytelling and the Search for Meaning…

Swimming Lessons in Nyack and the Shift

62. Swimming Lessons in Nyack and the Shift There was a time in my life when all four of my children were signed up for swimming lessons at the YMCA in Nyack, NY. We lived in Pomona which was about thirty minutes away. The…

I Lift My Eyes

61. I Lift My Eyes I love Psalm 121 and particularly love those closing verses: The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore. Isn’t that a promise and a half? When I’m having a frustrating…

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