Poet, Author, Composer....
The Summer Carousel
I have been a carousel lover for a very long time, visiting the historical carousel factory outside of Buffalo, NY and riding their FAST carousel. They told us that carousels started out only as an adult ride, so they went fast.
Another time, Donna, Sadie, Delainey and I visited Binghamton, NY which has SIX carousels. We stayed overnight in a hotel, rode three one day and three the next.
Two years ago at Ocean City, NJ at the age of 80, I couldn’t get up on a moving horse and had to ride in a stationery chariot. Last year at Ocean City I was so discouraged I didn’t even try. This year at Ocean City after five years of Egoscue work and daily exercise I GOT UP ON A MOVING HORSE AND RODE!!!
Carousel Pantoum
climb onto the horse’s back
with two daughters helping
and two granddaughters hoping
the climb onto the carousel horse
began with fearful anticipation
and two granddaughters hoping diminished
the dread of failure and quick dispatch to the boring chariot
what started with fear and anxiety
shifted into unbelievable coordination
and this 82-year-old woman eliminated the chariot dread
replacing it with circular excitement
the coordination shift
was greeted with glee
and the circular excitement
erupted into wide-flung smiles
gleeful greetings
flew to all she knew
and wide-flung smiles
filled photos and her heart
she knew and cherished both carousel and visible ocean
two daughters helping her accomplish late-age dreams
filling her heart with love and
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