Poet, Author, Composer....
On June 19, 2012 I was 79 years old, and starting to live my 80th year. I decided to write down Things I Have Learned So Far:
4. An Abundance of Pennies
In the Bible in John 10:10, it says: I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
In 2005, the book group at Sparta Church read a book by Wayne Dyer and he wrote about his feeling when he found pennies on the road—a feeling of abundance as he picked them up.
I adopted his ritual and always pick up pennies when I find them. I cherish that feeling and it is a reminder to me that I do have so much in my life. I learned that it becomes a gratitude moment when as I bend to pick up the penny, I can say: Thank you for the abundance I have—not just housing, or clothes, or money—but a deeper richness of family and friends, love and life itself.
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