And Your Point Is?

250. And Your Point Is?

When my grandson Zack was about 12, I was explaining something to him and I’ll have to admit that I was going on and on about it. He listened and paid attention, and when I finally came to an end he said, “And your point is?”

I laughed.

And I’ve thought of that since that there are times when I do go on, and backtrack and repeat and talk like I’m in a maze. And sometimes I hear myself asking “And your point is?”

And then there are other times when I come to the end of the day and I light a candle and in a prayer time I explain to Jesus about the crazyness of the day, how I meant to get more done, and this happened and that happened, and I took a few wrong turns in the day and I forgot five things that I meant to do, and then when I pause, I imagine hearing Jesus say kindly, “And your point is?”

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