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38. Believing the Bible
People write volumes about their beliefs about the Bible. I will write paragraphs.
I believe the Bible is the most important book there is. I think there is amazing truth within its various books. I think there are secrets and clues to how to live a really wonderful life. There is a way—in the Bible.
I also believe the Bible has captured in written-down form, the progress of people in what they believe. I do not take everything in the Bible as a historical event. There are stories particularly in the Old Testament where if a battle is lost, then they believed that they had somehow disappointed God; and likewise when a battle is won, they believed that God had rewarded them because they were faithful. I don’t believe that.
I think the Bible is deserving of life-long study for things become clear at different times and what meant one thing when I was age twenty-five, can mean something else today. There are parables and metaphors and puzzles to solve within this Holy Book.
Throughout my belief system, I hold love as the most important thing.
So I’ll keep studying and looking for the gems.
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