Clutter and a Haircut

326. Clutter and a Haircut

Scene 1: When I’m too busy, I come in, put papers down, do the next thing, and pretty soon it’s time to go somewhere else and I gather up what I need, and when I come back I unload the bag and put the papers down in a new spot, and if that goes on too long, and the papers make clutter, then I start to lose things, I start to not get things done and eventually I almost get paralyzed.

Scene 2: I have very short hair. I have it short by choice. When I think it is long, a lot of people don’t think it’s long at all, but it is for me. And I frustrated and eventually I get down in the dumps and very close to depressed.

These two scenes don’t always happen simultaneously. But I don’t like the end result of either of them. The magic is: clear the clutter for scene 1, and get a haircut for scene 2. The paralysis and the depression disappear very fast.

Would that all things could be solved this simply.

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