Do You Hear Me?

221. Do You Hear Me?

I have been a person for a very long time now with a hearing deficit. When I go yearly to be tested the audiologist has been saying for some time that I have a profound loss. So I wear two hearing aids and do my very best.

The other day I was thinking about an incident when I was walking with a friend in New York City. His name was Thom Hunt and as we walked we talked. He said something, I made a vague response. He stopped walking. So did I. And he said “You didn’t hear what I said, did you?” I admitted that I hadn’t and that I had just covered it up and pretended that I did hear. He said, “Listen! I want you to say ‘Repeat that Thom because I didn’t hear it and I want to hear every word you say!”

I’ve remembered that for a long time. Because when I try to bluff it through, I’m really saying I’m not that interested in what you’re saying. So that little incident convinced me that I just have to keep asking folks to repeat.

Now most of the time it doesn’t mean that I need you to increase your volume. I also don’t need you to come up close and talk loudly in my ear. I usually just need you to face me so I can see your lips also, and that will do it. Thanks, Thom.

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