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53. Egoscue Works For Me
Today marks two years that I have gone to an Egoscue clinic—and two years that I have done their exercises and positions 5-6 days a week. Before I discovered Egoscue I had had a knee surgeon tell me that I needed double knee replacement. I even scheduled that surgery. My left knee was bent considerably and my right knee was starting to bend. I was limping badly and using a cane.
However before the orientation session at the hospital, a friend told me about the book Pain Free—A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain by Pete Egoscue with Roger Gittines. It is applicable to much more than knees and worth reading. I found a clinic in Purchase, New York and started going once a week, accompanied by my daughter Debra. I now go every six weeks and have skipped both winters, maintaining my practice by myself.
Results: no need for knee replacements; right knee is quite straight now; left knee is getting straight; much of the time I walk normally; I still use a cane but mostly for stability.
I have finally—finally—finally learned the pleasures of moving, of good posture, of good alignment. I have finally (said three times) learned the discipline of daily exercise. For the past year as soon as I get out of bed, I do ten minutes of ten exercises which vary through the week. Later in the day I do forty minutes of an Egoscue menu. I have learned that it is never too late to change my ways and in this instance it has had exciting results.
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