
213. Excellance!!!

Three days ago I made a visit to Grammy’s Chocolate and Fudge Parlor in Augusta, New Jersry. I’ve never been to such an establishment and as I entered the store I was met by the almost overwhelming aroma of chocolate! The chocolatier of the establishment was not there so I’ll need to go again and meet her. (I’ve never met a chocolatier.)

Let me give you a little background on my history with chocolate. I really, really love it. And for quite some time I was not very discriminating about the chocolate that I ate. My candy bars of preference were Snickers and Heath bar. But then I started boycotting Hershey and concentrated on buying Fair Trade chocolate (so that there is no child labor involved). Even so, it was always good to know that there was some chocolate in the refrigerator.

All of that changed on Monday. I went in thinking I would check it out—not necessarily buy anything. My absolute favorite is dark chocolate and Grammy’s Parlor had dark chocolate combinations in abundance. I got a half pound of dark chocolate bark and pecans, a quarter pound of dark chocolate caramels, and a quarter pound of dark chocolate turtles with pecans. I was also $18.00 poorer.

But on the way home as I sampled one of each, I discovered that I was not poorer after all—I was rich!!! I had two days of eating too much, but have now settled in to having two pieces a day and on a really stringent day only one piece. Candy bars are now no longer necessary.

I can hardly wait for Valentine’s Day!

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