
261. Finger-Crocheting

I’m feeling better and it takes a 2007 story plus a 2013 story to explain it.

First 2007: My daughter Donna was on the phone. Her daughter, SadieGrace, age six, was finger crocheting. I said to her, “I’d like to learn to finger crochet.” She said, “I’ll teach you.” She got a piece of yarn and made a knot for me and handed it to me. Then she got a new piece of yarn for herself and made a knot. She started to finger crochet as she said, “You just do it like this.” Her fingers flew. I paid close attention but finally said, “I just can’t figure out how you are doing it.” Sadie said, “I’ll start again. Just watch.” She started all over but still went so fast. I tried again, sighed and said, “I just can’t get it.” SadieGrace shook her head. Donna came in the room saying, “What are you two doing?” I answered, “Well, SadieGrace is trying to teach me to finger crochet, but I’m having a hard time catching on.” Donna said, “Oh, I’ll teach you.” SadieGrace walked out of the room, finger crocheting as she went and saying, “Well, I’m the finger crochet expert, and I couldn’t teach her, so I don’t think you’re going to be able to either.” And Sadie was right.

Now it is 2013 and I just got an email from a friend near Washington, DC, who reported that the Kennedy Center was having a month long project with many free workshops given by persons from the Scandinavian countries, and that one of her friends went to a workshop on knitting. She already knew how to knit but thought she would pick up something knew. She took her knitting supplies and at one point in the workshop, the instructor said, “Those of you who have been knitting throughout our time together, put your knitting down, and I am going to teach you how to finger crochet.” My friend’s friend, who had been knitting for years gave it her best try but couldn’t make it work or figure it out.

I feel so much better.

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