Follow Your Impulse

42. Follow Your Impulse

In the days when I went into the city for an entire day, Fifth Avenue was one of the streets where I made stops. One day I passed Steuben Glass, pausing at the window to look at the magnificent pieces of glass-work. On an impulse I decided to go in. I never had before.

My eyes were filled with glass—-etched carefully, shining and sparkling—–and as I walked through the store I spied a bell. It was on a pedestal covered with black velvet—one glass bell and I wondered what it would sound like. I approached the table, reached toward it, lifted it and just tilted it to hear the sound. Quietly two guards came gently toward me saying softly, “Please put the bell down carefully.” I suddenly realized what I had done. No doubt I had just picked up a very expensive glass bell and they were panicked that I would drop it. I put it down, they backed away.

But before they came toward me, I had heard it—–the clearest sound I had ever heard—–the sound of a small and magnificent glass bell.

And what did I learn? Something—I may not be clear exactly what—except that somewhere in the world now I know there is that kind of clarity. Somewhere in the world now I know there is that kind of beauty. And I saw it. I heard it. I followed my impulse. And I give thanks for it.

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