Poet, Author, Composer....
43. Four Colors
For the last seven or eight months I have been getting up early enough each morning to do a brief routine of exercise (10 minutes) and then sit in bed with a wooden lap labyrinth, a clip board with a mandala pencilled on a piece of paper, a small plastic basket of markers, and some extra notebook paper.
I proceed to “walk” the labyrinth with my fingers. Then I turn to the mandala and color it in with the markers. I’m sure that in the seven months I’ve never repeated a design. Some of them are just that—designs. And some of them end up having meanings. After I color the mandala I write thoughts on the notebook paper. It’s a delightful and relaxing way to start the day.
One morning it felt to me like there were meanings to four colors and their variations. The idea has persisted. For me, red means love. Green means growing. Blue means sky and reaching and stretching. And yellow means light and insight.
That’s it and so far those concepts are sticking with me.
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