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136. Gathering the Saints
Today is All Saints Day and I love the concept that on yesterday (All Hallows Eve) and I believe on today, there are more “thin” places and you can gather the saints of your life and be in touch with them.
Thich Naht Hanh in one of his many books writes about gathering those ancestors around you for prayer—introducing them to each other—and letting them join their energies with yours for praying.
Isn’t that a grand idea? I love the concept of calling out to Mother and Granny (her mother) and introducing Granny to Paul Abels (Mother already knows him), to gathering Roger Myers in with that group and he would love them each. I would call to Fran, my sister-in-law who died last year and say “Oh Fran, I have some folks I want you to know—you’re going to like them.” And then I can introduce my cousin, Norma, who died in 2003 and I would ask Norma, “Do you know what special friends your daughter Paula and I have become? Now I want you to meet a whole bunch of people I know and love.”
And they would all join with me in the prayer and energy of today. I will breathe easier and I will love more because of each of them.
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