Goals and Visions

155. Goals and Visions

In the past seven or eight years I’ve been working with goals and visioning. It began as my daughter started her own coaching and consulting business. I agreed to be one of her first clients in a program called “Best Year Yet.” I worked with her for several years and then did it on my own for several years. Now she and I are back to working together again.

I’ve learned a number of things from visioning and goal-setting:

1. It helps me to set goals. I have found even when I was doing it by myself that as I approached the monthly deadline, I hustled to get some things done that I had said I would do.

2. I absolutely love the starting again on a new month, and get excited about new possibilities.

3. Failing to meet a goal doesn’t mean that I’ve failed. It means that perhaps the goal needs to be shifted. Or it means that I am stuck about something in that goal and need to look a little deeper about what that could be.

4. My goals and visions are not set in stone and therefore unchangeable. I can re-write the vision and add to it at any time.

5. I am already anticipating the new year. I give myself until January 10th to have my goals for the year in place. They end up being like resolutions, but they somehow are also different because I work them. I don’t just give up on them.

6. When I was working with Donna (whose business is www.CompassRoseConsulting.com), I would come up with a mantra for the year. One year the mantra was: Hold the vision and move it!

And every year I do.

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