Poet, Author, Composer....
88. God Promises To Be Enough
I wrote this song as a part of a Vacation Church School curriculum. Later I discovered that two lines in particular spoke to me personally. One is: God is with you each day. So many times I can be rushing or meandering through my day, engrossed with the list of things to do, frustrated with things that are happening or not happening and I lose track completely that God is with me and I am not living this life all alone. The second line is: When you’re tired and things are tough, God still promises to be enough. Whew! That’s some promise and if I allow it, if I let God into the tiredness and the toughness, God comes through every single time. Part of this song tells the story of Peter in prison—part of this song tells the story of me, in my own self-made prison. God helped Peter out—me too.
You’ll recognize the tune as belonging to an African-American spiritual,
Hold On
Peter thrown in prison chains,
Soldiers guarding him in Herod’s name,
God is with you each day. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on.
God is with you each day. Hold on.
While in prison Peter stayed,
People fervently to God did pray,
God is with you each day. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on.
God is with you each day. Hold on.
Then one night in darkness deep,
Angel came and said, “Just follow me.”
God is with you each day. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on.
God is with you each day. Hold on.
When you’re tired and things are tough,
God still promises to be enough,
God is with you each day. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on.
God is with you each day. Hold on.
© Words copyrght 1997 by Ann Freeman Price
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