I Can Do One Thing for Peace

49. I Can Do One Thing for Peace

I write this on August 6th, the day of the bombing of Hiroshima, and I remind myself each year that it is up to me to work for peace. Some years ago when I lived in Nyack, NY I went to the Fellowship of Reconciliation to hear several hibakusha speak. These are the people who survived those bombings. And just recently a Mrs. Noto who was a little girl at the time came to the Sparta United Methodist Church to speak.

On both occasions I felt grief that we had done it; sorrow that these persons have had to live with it the rest of their lives; and agreement with their message: Never again.

I wrote:

One Thing for Peace


I can do one thing for peace today

In the very middle of my life,

I can do one thing for peace today

For I know peace is the way.


Sometimes I get discouraged

Because I’m only one,

But then I remember

That that’s how peace is done—-one by one.


Everything I do isn’t going to be dramatic

Everything I do won’t be profound,

Some things I do will be quite simple

And they’ll have a peaceful sound—peaceful sound.


Help me to live peace, Help me to give peace

To everyone I meet throughout my day,

Help me to search for peace, Help me to work for peace

In my house, my town, my land, my world.


My life is pretty complicated,

Every time I walk through the door,

But I hear that voice clearly saying,

“You can do one thing more to make peace.”


I can do one thing for peace today

In the very middle of my life

I can do one thing for peace today

For I know peace is the way.

© Words and Music Copyright 2004 Ann Freeman Price

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