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Long-Term Program—Join Me
I’m starting a five-year program today. I woke up this morning thinking—you can do it—you just need to do it longer than a day, or a month, or until it collapses. Stay with it for five years!
I have to tell you that for the years 2001 to 2005 I kept a five-year diary. Not the little leather kind that has a lock and key and is pink leather and has teeny tiny spaces to write in. Back in 2001 I got a regular loose-leaf notebook and regular 8 1/2 by 11 lined notebook paper and I divided each page into five sections. The top section was 2001, second section 2002, third section 2003—-you get the idea. Each page was one day—January 1 for instance. And I filled in each section for five years. The beauty of this 365-page journal is that each page has the entry for January 7th or June 14th, and you can easily read where you were a year ago.
For me, the issue that I’m going to address is eating. I go on and off a diet. I am “good” for three days and then go berserk. I am a life-time member of Weight Watchers. I am not grossly overweight. But at my age of 81 years, the less I carry around the better it is for my back and my knees.
Now if you want to join me, it doesn’t have to be around eating. It could be something else you really want to accomplish AND you want to stick with it until it IS accomplished. So make your notebook (I’ve already got mine started and ready to go for these last days of January—although I’m using a 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” notebook this time). I’d say “good luck” to us, but in this instance, it isn’t about luck I’m thinking. It’s more about sticking to a goal for a good, long time, and writing it down. Make your notebook and let me know you’re joining me and if you want, let me know your project.
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