
303. Lostness

I once read a little story about a man who was visiting a farmer. They were looking at some sheep and as the two people talked the farmer said, “You know, they don’t know where they’re going—the sheep. They just nibble themselves into lostness.”

When I get to the end of the day sometimes, I feel that way about the day. I feel like I nibbled a little here and a little there and I never got it together to know where I was going. And I was right smack in the middle of lostness by the end of the day.

Now I’m not really talking about those fun days where you just decide to ignore the list of things to do. Those aren’t lost days—they’re extravagant days and you’re doing just exactly where you planned.

For me, the feeling of lostness doesn’t usually last all that long, but it bothers me when I’m in the middle of it.


Ann Freeman Price

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