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248. Love Tucked Around
In the 80’s I was looking for a house for my mother, my youngest daughter Dara, and myself and found one on North Broadway in Nyack, NY. It was known all around Nyack as the Waldron house for they had lived there many years.
Mrs. Waldron was there one of the times I looked at the house and the real estate agent hustled me from room to room, down to the basement, up to the second floor, into the attic, but at one point when I was in the living room, Mrs. Waldron stepped over and said to me, “I hope you buy this house. It has a lot of love tucked into all the corners.”
I did buy the house and I think she was right—it did have love tucked around. I moved Mother into her room on the first floor, and Dara and I were upstairs, and we added some love ourselves.
It’s interesting that you add love (or I guess you could add tension) to a house and you also add stories. And years later when you’ve picked up your stuff and moved again, when you look back and think of that house, you remember the stories and you think of the love.
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