Medical Authority Too

58. – Medical Authority Too

Yesterday I wrote about being my own authority. This is true of medical information too. Whenever I go to a new doctor, I say to that person, “I want us to start out understanding each other. I come to you for information. I also want your recommendation when there is something to decide. But the bottom line is that I am the person who makes the decision.”

I do believe that the medical doctor has had years of training, and I haven’t had that. But still, it is my body and I have lived with it now for 79 years and that counts for a great deal.

When I had breast cancer, I believe I got scared by the word cancer and I pretty much went along with what they said was best to do. But there was a point in the middle of chemotherapy that they had told me we were switching drugs and it would be an easier drug. It wasn’t. And when I went in for the next treatment, I said, “Now I’m in charge. Do the blood work. Explain to me again why I would want another round of chemo. Give me the statistics. Tell me what you recommend. But from now on, I will decide whether I keep going.

That was a turning point for me—in the treatment and in I believe in the cancer, because I put myself back in charge. That was nine years ago.

Two years ago the knee surgeon heartily recommended double knee replacement. I investigated alternatives and have worked hard to not need that surgery.

I can be my own medical authority.

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