Poet, Author, Composer....
339. Paring Down Again and Again and Again
I think it’s strange that I pare down my possessions over and over again and then in not too long a time I have to repeat the process, because I accumulate. I’m down to three rooms that are an addition to a house and so there is a limit to what will fit. However, there is a barn with endless room for storage, and it is too easy to think of something as a keepsake and put it in the barn in a plastic bin so the mice don’t find it. I was thinking this week that perhaps this summer or fall I need to go through those plastic bins and see if everything there is truly a keepsake.
God of plenty—
Help me keep “things” in proportion
to what is important in my “life,”
Guide me in shaving down the overage
that surrounds me.
Give me world perspective to see and feel
realities of others in far places.
And when the wanting nibbles at my self,
nudge me into waiting just a while
before acting on the want.
Inspire me to give and feel the joy
that comes from giving itself
and prompts even more giving.
So much to ask –
but then I have much,
and in the having
I need your help in whittling.
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