
346. Peacemakers

I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana and as a child and young person Memorial Day on each May 30th meant little to me except that it was the day of the Indianapolis 500—the big auto race.

But in these four or five days of posts about Memorial Day and its subjects, I want to share with you a hymn I wrote years ago about peace. I have now come to believe that wars do not accomplish peace. In Zinn’s book (posted yesterday), he quotes A. J. Muste, the pacifist, who said in 1941, “The problem after a war is with the victor. He thinks he has just proved that war and violence pay. Who will now teach him a lesson?”

The Gospels tell me that the peacemakers are blessed and shall be called the children of God. My hope is that I can do small things, persistent things, and perhaps prophetic things to make peace. Even that I write a song that encourages persons to be peacemakers.


Where is the hope in the midst of the conflict,

Turmoil surrounds us, Tensions increase,

Trust has vanished,

People despair and feel helpless, hopeless,

There is a whisper:

Blessed are those who make peace

For they shall be called the children of God,

May I be one of them.

Deep in each person the spirit lies waiting,

Dormant, yet ready, Waiting for life.

Flames rekindled

Bring forth a birthing of goodness, caring,

There is a shouting:

Blessed are those who make peace

For they shall be called the children of God,

May I be one of them.

Move toward the vision of peace now created,

Stand in its center, Move toward the dream,

Touch the stranger,

Banish the fear and feel wholeness, healing,

There is a singing:

Blessed are those who make peace

For they shall be called the children of God,

May I be one of them.

© Copyright 1982 by Ann Freeman Price

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