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54. Praying on the Go
I have a Blue Jar System of Prayer that is especially effective on days I’m going to be at home and at the same time have a lot of things I am trying to get done. Many times I find I’m just not fitting prayer into my day. The top of my bedroom dresser is already a little like an altar. I have two candles and a peace bank for UNICEF giving. There is my Fontanini Joseph, Mary, manger and Baby Jesus set surrounded by the prayer beads created for me by Kem Monk. So I added a blue cut-glass jar (without its top) that had been my mother’s, plus one of my small bowls which I get each year at Daniel and Lissa’s art shows. Then I cut 3×5 cards into four pieces and on each piece put a prayer request and put it in the blue jar.
As I go through the day I pull a little card from the blue jar, say a prayer for that person, and place it in the small bowl. At some point I will light the candles. But through the day the cards slowly transfer, the prayers have been said, and the praying has lasted for the entire day.
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