Poet, Author, Composer....
258. Push of Deadlines
Why wait until the last minute to meet a deadline? For instance, the devotional book Alive Now comes out every other month. I submit something for every issue. On their website they give themes for each issue far in advance and they give a deadline. The most recent deadline was March 1st and the theme was peace. I’ve known it for three or four months. On February 27th I got out the sheet of paper to remind myself of the subject, and on March 1st I wrote a poem. Wasn’t really pleased with it, so I wrote another on March 2nd (a day late) and submitted it. They probably will consider it.
I’ve operated that way for a very long time. Not just for Alive Now but for many things that have deadlines. Taxes are another example. I have an appointment this coming Thursday with my accountant. Probably should get started pulling things together pretty soon.
One of the questions I often ask myself is: Would you do a better job if you gave yourself more time???
I can remember what I did with deadlines as a latch-key child of eleven or twelve years of age. My father had already left our household. My mother worked full time. I came home from school (which was across the street), let myself into the apartment, and looked for Mom’s list. She always (as in every day) left me a list of things to do. At the top was usually: do your homework. But then there would be other things—housekeeping type of things that she would like me to do before she got home.
I watched the clock. I read, not necessarily homework reading, but rather my own fun reading. I fixed a snack. I checked the clock. I looked again at the list. I read some more. And when I reached the place where it was almost going to be impossible to do everything that was on the list—THEN I raced and scurried and busily did things and checked them off. When Mom came in the door, I tried to be lounging on the couch with everything done!
Some things you do know where they started don’t you.
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