Poet, Author, Composer....
37. Rainbows
Rainbows have come to mean inclusion to me—all the colors are there, nothing is left out, and it is beautiful to behold.
I believe that it is true for people too—everyone is “in.” It has been interesting to me to watch the church through the years, in particular the United Methodist Church. For a long time, race was a defining issue, and complete with quoting scripture the church decided that blacks had to be in a different structure in the church. Then that was resolved,and blacks were included. Then women were the issue—couldn’t be ordained, scripture quoted again. Once again it was resolved, and women are ordained for ministry and are bishops.
Now sexual orientation is the issue. Scripture is quoted. What I have learned so far is that love between two persons is of God. All are included. And one day in this United Methodist Church the rainbow will be complete.
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