The Lists from Sandy

148. The Lists from Sandy

Have you noticed people making lists and saying “These are the things I’m going to change before there’s another storm like Sandy.” My dentist said, “This is not going to happen again to me in the same way—next time I’ll have a generator.” You read about and see on television the changes some of the cities and the communities are going to make to not be caught so badly in the next storm. And in my household where I have an apartment attached to my daughter’s house, we have our lists too.

And yet I wonder if there is a more important list for us to be making. It seems to me the states and the federal government, the cities and small towns, the churches and community organizations—and the individuals need to be making lists about how we can stop the progression of Global Warming, so that the storms don’t keep getting worse and worse. My understanding is that it’s late AND yet, perhaps still not too late. I think people all over are willing to make sacrifices.

So I’m going to do some research and make another Global List of what changes I can make in my lifestyle, what I can do to influence the organizations and church I belong to, what I can do to impress the town, the state, and the country that I live in that I am willing to make sacrifices to impact and lessen the Global Warming effect.

This Global List may be even more important than the things on my personal list. And maybe in fact they’re intertwined and some of the personal things are global too.

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