Poet, Author, Composer....
April 9, 2020
Song of Movement
they stand my dancers three
with arms flung wide in ecstasy
on dresser top to show me how
to move each day
in bronze delight
they do not change position – yet
it seems to me from time to time
they move to encourage me
to raise my arms
to make an arc
to slowly turn
to bend to floor
and then rise up again
they are young and lithe
and my aged frame just tries
to straighten up to reach where they reach
for dancing highs and lows
I sing and move
I circle round
determined still at 86
to dance each day
I move and sing
each time new song
now matter how I look I
still – will – dance
April 10, 2020
The One Who Died That Friday
the one who died that Friday
he walked on a certain path
caring for folks as he went
saying “follow me”
rules were not that important
when people needed his help
he welcomed all regardless
and said “do not fear”
he turned the tables over
and yelled “you’re doing it wrong—
love truth – be kind to others –
do justice each day”
the one who died that Friday
not for my sins did he die
those in power set it up
that long torturous death
but Friday was not the end
he still continues to live
in those who follow the Way
in each one – who loves
April 11, 2020
A to Z
am trying to figure out
best as I can – who is in
control in this corona time
day turns to night back to day back to night
even as we stay six
feet apart or more – I am
grasping for truth in the midst of falsehoods
hope in the midst of fear
insight in the center of confusion
joy in the middle of distress and
knowledge instead of questions
love – always – and
more love – so there may be
no control – and yet there can be
opportunity to
responses of saying a prayer
singing a chant
trusting the meditation and
understanding a new reality
valuing some exercise plus a dance outside – and finding
wholeness with flashes of wisdom – take an
x-ray now of this time – put
yourself in a place to still find
zest and zoom for living
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