Poet, Author, Composer....
April 18, 2020
Something Each Day
Olivia Rose here’s a message for you
your great-grandma Annie does love you
and aches to see you in person quite soon
but Covid-19 says “not yet, my dear”
well I’ve seen you on Zoom and sang you a song
I’m storing up kisses and hugs for you
and on May the third you’ll be two months old
with a grand birthday outfit I betcha
so here’s the message Olivia Rose
starting in May you will get in the mail
a postcard from Annie that’s just for you
and you’ll get one every day
each postcard will be something different
maybe Grand Canyon because I do love it
a another great scene or an animal or two
with stamps that are sort of fish-y
so walk to the mailbox with Mom or with Dad
and see what you’ve got to hold on to
and make you a stack ‘till you’ve got thirty-one
remember: I love you – I love you
April 19, 2020
I’ve got the ouch blues
yes the ouch blues
what is loneliness to one
is a respite to some other
it’s the ouch blues
just the ouch blues
who bumped into the fixture
and started to howl
now it’s the ouch blues
still the ouch blues
embrace, kiss it well
and resolve to start again
oh the ouch blues
sing the ouch blues
and tomorrow
April 20, 2020
just stay within the isolation
and work with all the possibilities you find there
time for much more creativity
time for socializing with new people in new ways
opportunities to see some things
as you walk in fresh air that you never saw before
listen now for enriched mystery
suddenly it will dawn on you that you really are not isolated
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