Poet, Author, Composer....
This is a poem from the book Trilogy of Cancer–the Jolt, the Journey, the Joy. I put it together during my first bout of breast cancer; I filled it with songs written to familiar tunes; poetry; and things to do. Now I’m in my fourth bout with cancer and it still holds true.
I Decide
I marched in
halfway through
three months of
treatments and
said with authority
“You said Taxol
would be easier.
It isn’t.”
they listened
“Today” my voice
was clear. “Today
I want copies of
everything: blood
pressure, temperature,
blood work numbers
they gave them
to me
“Today is different”
I told calm doctor
as if he didn’t know
“You tell me if it’s
a ‘go’ for today’s
but then you need
to sell me again
on why i’m
doing this
give me statistics
name my options
say your best judgment
and then
then I’ll decide
if it’s a ‘go'”
he did that
I decided to
keep going
but on that day
I claimed strength
and power and
I never let go
of them again
For more information about the Trilogy of Cancer: CLICK HERE
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