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Cancer–I Decide

This is a poem from the book Trilogy of Cancer–the Jolt, the Journey, the Joy. I put it together during my first bout of breast cancer; I filled it with songs written to familiar tunes; poetry; and things to do. Now I’m in my fourth bout with cancer...
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Worst or Best

How many times do you imagine the worst case scenario? Well here’s a chant that I wrote in the April Writer’s Digest PAD Challenge. That stands for Poem-a-Day all through the month of April. Don’t just read it. Create a tune for it and sing it—over and over,...
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A Week of Weakness

Caught up—here’s #7 in PAD Challenge–Poem-A-Day—and this one is for today.—ANN A Week of Weakness Sunday I buy chips and eat some too Tuesday I swear off but the chips just flew to the bowl where they were just the day before Wednesday I decide not to go...
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Praise Acrostic in Movement

Almost caught up now–here’s #6 in PAD Challenge—ANN Praise Acrostic in Movement Praise to God for the gift of this day Raise both arms in a side-to-side sway And circle your self around and around Include high and low – then touch holy ground Stand tall in praise...
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Chip Warning

And this is #5 in the PAD Challenge—ANN Chip Warning the warning should be there on package clear to see so one who’s overeating could readily agree that they’d been warned and really knew without a single doubt that if they ate one hundred chips they then should...
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Here’s #4 in the PAD Challenge—ANN Whosoever who in the world who is the answer who does something so much brokenness so much terror so much paralysis ever among us ever around us ever within us whosoever is called by one who said whatsoever you do to the...
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Triangle Tri-Cube

Here’s #3 in the PAD Challenge I’m participating in—ANN Triangle Tri-Cube love your God mind—strength—heart and follow love others friend and foe just as you— love your self forgiving loving deep —————
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The Clown

Here’s Number 2 in the PAD Challenge that I’m participating in.—ANN The Clown I’ve never been a bouncy clown bright – but not bouncy disheveled orange hair orange polkadot clownsuit and big red galumphey shoes but not bouncy I’m a silent clown and gentle I carry Josa with...
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The Day

The Day the night is dark and the day is done mistakes were made and the race not run then I sigh and think of a different way how I could have changed the entire day but I didn’t and now it’s over you see so I take...
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The Girls

The Girls — he called them “the girls” this group of deer who still make their way across his lawn to the small space of woods on the other side of his street — “the girls” keep coming despite the Saturn dealer who cleared some trees to make...
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Daybook of Personal Faith

daybook of personal faith

Daybook of my personal Faith is written for everyday of the year, with chants, songs, mandalas to color, poems, stories, prayers, and reflections.

Mama and Me

Mama and Me

Mama and Me---Our last three years together and beyond is a book about a relationship, built over 50 years and culminating in Mama’s death.

Graces To Sing

Graces To Sing

Graces To Sing to Tunes You Know is filled with familiar tunes with new words to celebrate times with family and friends, good food and thanks.

Trilogy of Cancer

Trilogy of Cancer

Ann's story of her cancer journey...filled with stories, poems, songs. You will laugh, cry....



This is a book that puts each of the 150 psalms in the psalter into a shadorma poetry form. Some of the longer psalms have several shadormas.

Women Songs | Peace Songs

Women Songs | Peace Songs

Woman Songs|Peace Songs is a collection of inspirational and powerful music still speaking to our times. Originally recorded in 1980.

Wisdom of Children

Wisdom of Children

Wisdom of Children is a collection of stories of the Grandchildren in Ann's life, their wisdom and her reflections for God.

Do You Love Me

Do You Love Me

Do You Love Me is a wonderful children's book. A conversation between a Grandmother and Grandson.

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