Poet, Author, Composer....
196. Back Door – Front Door I love drama that you can act out in your own home. And here’s one to do tonight. It comes from Wales. At the stroke of midnight, imagine a gong ringing twelve times. At the first stroke of…
195. Two Days Left It’s a real count down at the end of the year—three days left, two days left, one day left—and then close to midnight we do the real countdown—10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1—Happy New Year! In…
194. Summing Up the Year Each year I try to remember to take some time in the last few days of one year and the first few days of a new year to sum up the year just gone. I write it down—because that’s…
193. Giving Advice to Children I remember being an adult daughter, and having my Mother come to visit, and giving me advice—about the children, about the house, about myself. I listened but in some ways I would not listen—because I wanted to solve things…
192. Goethe and Gretsky Connection? It’s a quote thing. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, an 18th century German writer, and Wayne Gretsky, the former professional ice hockey player probably don’t have all that much in common, but they each have a quote and the quotes…
191. Skills You Never Knew Remember Harold Wilke who I wrote about on June 26. I wrote then that the day I was introduced to him, I turned and automatically held out my hand to shake his and realized quickly that Harold had no…
190. Helping Jesus Sixteen years ago my granddaughter Lissa was two. She knew well the Christmas story. I was babysitting with her and her five-year-old brother Daniel. Daniel was playing in his room. I was reading a book. Lissa was lying on the little…
189. The Christmas Card Wonder They still come rolling in to my mailbox (a few electronically) but most by the U.S. Post Office. And I love it. They come in colorful cards, or cards with pictures, and they come with letters detailing what happened…
188. Just Do It Over and Over I now get it. I now have figured it out. I now have it down. You just lose the same pounds over and over and over again. And it’s all right, as long as you don’t go…
187. Jin Shin Jyutsu Six or seven months ago I was introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu. This is an ancient art which existed before the birth of Buddha or Moses. It was rediscovered in Japan in the 20th century by Master Jiro Shin Jyutsu…
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