Delights of the Season

176. Delights of the Season From now to then I hear the lament of the commercialization of Christmas. And I respond: “I think the entire season is filled with delight.” The story tells of a star—–and in this season we suddenly have lights galore….

A Child

175. A Child I came across this saying and smiled to myself as I thought, “Oh—how true, how very true.” It’s another one from Meister Eckhart, and I’ve quoted him before. This time he said: “If I were alone in a desert and feeling…

Music Changes the Tightness

174. Music Changes the Tightness I’ve written before about the things that music can do. This is another one. I was playing the piano in the nursing home. After an hour of both light classical music and popular 20’s and 30’s music, the 86-year-old…

High Ropes

173. High Ropes In 1983 I registered for the third time for a Women’s High Ropes Course just outside of Boston. I had registered for it in 1981 and in 1982 and both times I cancelled out (losing my money). So in 1983 I…

What Can A Race Teach You?

172. What Can A Race Teach You? The Saturday before Thanksgiving, my grandson Zachariah Price was part of the four-person team that won the Tough Mudder in New Jersey. I have to confess that I had never heard of a Tough Mudder race, but…

Three Questions

171. Three Questions I was just reading that in the Islamic tradition it is suggested that before you speak, you ask yourself three questions: Are the words true? Are the words kind? Are the words necessary? Well, I think I try to abide by…

Where Is the Baby?

170. Where Is the Baby? In our family over many years as we set up the manger scene during Advent, we hid the baby Jesus, since from a logical point of view he would not be in the manger until Christmas morning. Sometimes I…

Advent Tasks

169. Advent Tasks Last Saturday on the day before the first day of Advent I was the speaker at my daughter’s United Methodist Church in Highland Mills, NY. I often discover as I prepare for an engagement like this one that I am the…

Love the Decorations

168. Love the Decorations I woke up this morning to a decorated house and over the years I have learned that I love it. I get them out on the first day of Advent (yesterday) and I leave them up through January 6 (Epiphany)….

There’s A Child

167. The Child and the Star — there’s a child who is hungry there’s a child who is cold there’s a child who is scared in the place where he lives, but once long ago in a manger time a child was born under…

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