Peace in the World

227. Peace in the World It seems appropriate to write about peace following a posting about Gandhi. And yet, I have fluttered through this entire day figuring out what to write. It’s such an immense subject. I have read extensively over the last few…

Sixty-five Years Ago

226. Sixty-five Years Ago On January 30, 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated. I was 15 years old and I’m sorry to say I was totally unaware of the happening or of the man. On the anniversary of the death of this Gandhi, let me…

Where I Am From

225. Where I Am From In 2006 I went to Kirkridge Retreat Center in Pennsylvania to a writing workshop led by Ina Hughes. She said to write “Where I Am From” and not to write: I am from Indianapolis and was born in 1933….

When – Then

224. When – Then I wrote this today partly because my granddaughter needed a poem from me for the newspaper she’s putting out. But after I wrote it, I realized it was so true for me. I’m not truly a winter-lover. Sometimes I don’t…

Enough? That’s the Question

223. Enough? That’s the Question I have a song that I wrote after my Mother’s death called I Didn’t Know. It’s on my CD and the words to the song start out: — I didn’t know it would be so very hard to let…

Who Can You Change?

222. Who Can You Change? Good question. Do you have the answer? You know the Serenity Prayer that is used a lot in Alcoholics Anonymous groups? It goes like this: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage…

Do You Hear Me?

221. Do You Hear Me? I have been a person for a very long time now with a hearing deficit. When I go yearly to be tested the audiologist has been saying for some time that I have a profound loss. So I wear…

Math or Mystery

220. Math or Mystery A while ago I came upon this math problem and offer it here to you to solve or to revel in the mystery of the solution. A farmer died and to his three sons he left 17 cows. His will…

If You’re Looking for a Challenge

219. If You’re Looking for a Challenge If you’re looking for a challenge, or a motto, or a direction for your life; if you’re looking for a resolution for the new year, or a goal to try for every day—well here are some words…

A Mandala A Day

218. A Mandala a Day I’ve been coloring a mandala a day for over a year now—first thing in the morning. I have a three-part ritual that starts with my use of the lap labyrinth. Then I color in a mandala, and then write…

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