Christ of the Lost

245. Christ of the Lost On my living room wall is a picture, titled “Christ of the Lost.” It’s interesting because when you first see it, it looks like an aqua background, some black lines, maybe a recognizable street light in one corner—but what…


244. Imagination I disagreed with her and she disagreed with me. Then we went our separate ways but knew in a couple of days we were going to see each other again and try to resolve it. And I thought it through and I…

Time for Silence

243. Time for Silence I’m trying out some silence times this Lent. I’ve already been doing some morning silence but in a way it’s a busy kind of silence—it’s “walking” a lap labyrinth, it’s coloring a mandala, it’s writing a reflection. Now comes an…

Temptation Today

242. Temptation Today In this season of Lent we read scriptures of the temptations of Jesus. And I was surprised a number of years ago when a seven-year-old grandson claimed to know about temptation. The story is in poem form. — A Pack of…

Four Letters of Love

241. Four Letters of Love On Valentine’s Day the love thing can get a little syrupy and sometimes on other days it’s made to sound so simple—just love. But it’s tough and it’s easy and it’s painful and it’s wonderful. So give it and…

It’s Time for the Bake Sale

240. It’s Time for the Bake Sale I recorded a song in 1983 and wouldn’t you know it’s still applicable today, so I’ve re-released it in a CD. And it all has to do with the Defense Budget and whether it can be cut….

Pancakes and Plenty

239. Pancakes and Plenty Well, I didn’t exactly have pancakes on this Shrove Tuesday, but I did have plenty  to eat today and I guess that’s all right on the brink of Ash Wednesday. Last year I wrote a psalm in Shadorma form every…

Tribute to Don Brown

238. Tribute to Don Brown Don Brown was a United Methodist pastor and more—much more. But I first knew him when he was the pastor at New City United Methodist Church in New City, NY. And at the same time, I was in the…

Same Story—New Version

237. Same Story—New Version Years later I heard a new interpretation: that we all are the judge and the persistent widow is God who continues to ask us to do justice. Here is Version #2 of the song: — We are the judges in…

New Ways To Think

236. New Ways To Think In Luke 18:1-8, there is the parable of the unjust judge. In 1995 I wrote a song for church school curriculum about the persistent widow who kept coming wanting justice. — She Never Gave Up — There is a…

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