Poet, Author, Composer....
Tendering The first song in the CD Woman Songs Peace Songs is “Tendering” and I still identify with the very personal focus that spurred the original writing. Now there seems a whole new level on top of that personal one. It’s the level that…
Tendering The first song in the CD Woman Songs Peace Songs is “Tendering” and I still identify with the very personal focus that spurred the original writing. Now there seems a whole new level on top of that personal one. It’s the level that…
I Want to Choose You know some men are changing. Some men aren’t. I’m not in favor of abortions and at the same time I am in favor of a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body. I don’t give that…
I’ve Got a Gun Songs of peace are a significant part of the CD “Womansongs / Peacesongs” and I’ve got a gun sounds like children arguing but also amazingly like nations threatening. I’ve got a gun —— well I’ve got a tank —— well…
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