Where Is the Baby?

170. Where Is the Baby? In our family over many years as we set up the manger scene during Advent, we hid the baby Jesus, since from a logical point of view he would not be in the manger until Christmas morning. Sometimes I…

Advent Tasks

169. Advent Tasks Last Saturday on the day before the first day of Advent I was the speaker at my daughter’s United Methodist Church in Highland Mills, NY. I often discover as I prepare for an engagement like this one that I am the…

Love the Decorations

168. Love the Decorations I woke up this morning to a decorated house and over the years I have learned that I love it. I get them out on the first day of Advent (yesterday) and I leave them up through January 6 (Epiphany)….

There’s A Child

167. The Child and the Star — there’s a child who is hungry there’s a child who is cold there’s a child who is scared in the place where he lives, but once long ago in a manger time a child was born under…

Paper Chain

166. Paper Chain We are on the brink of Advent. Tomorrow will be the first Sunday of Advent and the two most important things for me to have ready are my Advent wreath. and my paper chain. In the years my children were very…

Speak Truth to Power

165. Speak Truth to Power I have a friend who is the most activist friend I have ever had in the category of war and peace. She goes on marches, she writes letters, she gets group to visit congress people. She has her senators…

On the Floor

164. On the Floor When my mother was in her late sixties, she was a little over-weight and had very arthritic knees. She lived in an apartment by herself in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her best friend, Carol, would call her every morning and if she…

The Witness

163. The Witness Robert Coles, a writer I admire a great deal, wrote a book called “The Moral Intelligence of Children—How to Raise a Moral Child.” In that book he writes: “The child is a witness, the child is an ever-attentive witness of grown-up…


162. Positive When I was a little girl, there was a whole series of books about Pollyanna. She was extremely positive. I think my mother pushed the idea of Pollyanna partly because that’s how she wanted me to be: positive. But I was learning…


161. Balance Balance is important to me. I think that I am the happiest, the most productive, the most fulfilled when I am in balance. It has to do with the food I eat. It has to do with the projects I work on….

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