Starting Over—and Over—and Over

330. Starting Over—and Over—and Over — started over held intention for a day for two three a week perhaps intention frays into muddle — starting over happens many times does . not . hold . — because — it starts from pulled-together will backed…

The Importance of Copyrights

329. The Importance of Copyrights A couple of months ago I wrote a piece called “Annyway.” It was #270. I used something that was evidently going around in a lot of places but where I read it said that it was found on the…

Mother’s Day Proclamation

328. Mother’s Day Proclamation Mother’s Day hasn’t always been a Hallmark holiday. It had its beginnings as an activist day. Julia Ward Howe in 1872 wrote a Mother’s Day Proclamation, and for thirty years, we celebrated Mother’s Day for Peace on June 2. It…

My History with Mother’s Day

327. My History with Mother’s Day My history with Mother’s Day began of course when I was a little girl giving things to my mother. And I did that—buying her books or something with strawberries, many cards which she very carefully saved. When I…

Clutter and a Haircut

326. Clutter and a Haircut Scene 1: When I’m too busy, I come in, put papers down, do the next thing, and pretty soon it’s time to go somewhere else and I gather up what I need, and when I come back I unload…

Sing and Breathe It In

325. Sing and Breathe It In On days that seem a little wobbly, or on days that are going just fine, or even on days when I see someone else who is struggling, I sing this folk song and breathe it in: — If…

One Minute Poem

324. One Minute Poem (This is a poem to acknowledge the length of one minute. Use a timer and say each word on each second. The minute starts with the title.) — The – One – Minute – Poem — our – days –…

Just a Minute

323. Just a Minute I’ve been doing Egoscue exercises and positions since August of 2010, and I wrote about it in #53 in this series of postings. There was something that happened this morning as I was doing one of the timed positions. There…

Claiming That Sanders’ Name

322. Claiming That Sanders’ Name My grandmother (Granny), Irene, had nine children. One of those children was Adalyne. Norma Davis was the daughter of Adalyne, and Paula Davis was the daughter of Norma. When Paula was in her teens and complaining about the unfairness…

Remembering Granny

321. Remembering Granny Irene Sanders—when I was a little girl I called her Grandma, and I didn’t know a lot about her. When I became a mother myself, then my Mother was Grandma to my children, and at this point we all started calling…

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