Premises for…

320. Premises for….. I wrote them for my thesis at New York University. They were based on the model of music therapy that I had set up for the nursing home where I worked.  The page is titled: Twelve Premises of the Model. They…

The Bear Family

319. The Bear Family Dara was youngest of my four children and when the three older ones went off to school she created an imaginary bear family to keep her company. The bears went everywhere with us. One day we had been at church…

Never Alone (Part 2)

318. Never Alone (Part 2) Agnes and I wrote a song together in the nursing home where I worked. The words were these: — I’m never really alone, I’m never really alone. There’s always somebody here, and I’m never really alone. — Sometimes I…

Never Alone

317. Never Alone As I wandered the halls of the nursing home where I worked, one of the things I often did was to stop and create a song with a resident. One day I came upon a woman sitting in the hallway and…

Settling Into the Quiet

316. Settling Into the Quiet As a young child I had many ear infections, and it felt as though each time I had an infection it got bad enough that I would have to have ears lanced and the infection drained out. (This was…

Three Meals

315. Three Meals I am fortunate to be able to eat three meals a day, and I am very aware that many people in the world don’t have the food to be able to do that. I also have snacks I can eat and…

Good for the Now

314. Good for the Now I was working as a secretary when I heard that a nursing home thirty minutes from me was looking for a piano player. I interviewed. They hired me. They had a white activity room which doubled as a place…

Hospital Visiting

313. Hospital Visiting When I was working as a music therapist, some of us went to an inservice at the local hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital. It was given by the Catholic priest. I’m sure he said more than I remember—but on the other hand…

Prayer for Earth-Care

312. Prayer For Earth-Care — Creator God who moved around the earth distributing Monarch butterflies daffodils and hippopotamuses — help us to remember the charge you gave to us not to dominate but to care for creation — that it may remain “good” in…

Times Such As These

311. Times Such As These We were teaching Bible School in the summer. We did it in the afternoon and ended with supper so we became like this small community. There were five helpers and nine children. The oldest child was 17 and the…

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