[SONG] Take Back The Night

Survivors The interesting thing about this song is that it started out being about women——and it still can be about women and their struggle in this country and all over the world to survive.  All of the words apply to women—rough times, strong barriers,…

[SONG] Mother May I

Mother May I If ever there was a time for a woman to not ask permission, it is now. Whether it is mother, teacher, preacher, husband, next-door neighbor, congress-person, I’m ready for each woman to think it through, ask questions for clarity, and decide…

[SONG] Survivors

Survivors The interesting thing about this song is that it started out being about women——and it still can be about women and their struggle in this country and all over the world to survive.  All of the words apply to women—rough times, strong barriers,…

[SONG] Bitch

Bitch I really do have a necklace made of sparkling rhinestones that says “BITCH” and I wear it when I perform this song. I claim the word for women. I claim the word that says “Be yourself. Don’t always try to please. Stand up…

[SONG] Restroom Door

Tendering The first song in the CD Woman Songs Peace Songs is “Tendering” and I still identify with the very personal focus that spurred the original writing. Now there seems a whole new level on top of that personal one. It’s the level that…

[SONG] Tendering

Tendering The first song in the CD Woman Songs Peace Songs is “Tendering” and I still identify with the very personal focus that spurred the original writing. Now there seems a whole new level on top of that personal one. It’s the level that…

[SONG] I Want To Choose

I Want to Choose You know some men are changing. Some men aren’t. I’m not in favor of abortions and at the same time I am in favor of a woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body. I don’t give that…

[SONG] I’ve Got A Gun

I’ve Got a Gun Songs of peace are a significant part of the CD “Womansongs / Peacesongs” and I’ve got a gun sounds like children arguing but also amazingly like nations threatening.  I’ve got a gun —— well I’ve got a tank —— well…

SONG: Step Close

Step Close This song was written out of my experience years ago, when it seemed I felt like I wanted to be close to someone, and then when it happened, I wanted to be alone again. Ever feel that way? Like close is one…

SONG: We Need Plowshares

We Need Plowshares In Isaiah 2:4 it says “He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they…

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