Jin Shin Jyutsu

187. Jin Shin Jyutsu

Six or seven months ago I was introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu. This is an ancient art which existed before the birth of Buddha or Moses. It was rediscovered in Japan in the 20th century by Master Jiro Shin Jyutsu and in the 1950’s his student, Mary Burmeister brought it to the United States. For more information you can go to the website: www.jsjinc.net

I learned about it from my Egoscue trainer and first used it to successfully interrupt gastro attacks. I ordered the book, The Touch of Healing—Energizing Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu by Mary Burmeister. And most helpful to me have been the Self-Help pages from the website.

I do two things daily. I do finger holds—holding one finger of one hand with the other hand until I feel a pulse and then moving to the next finger—same thing. I do one hand, then the other hand. When I go to bed at night I often do these fingers holds and if I wake up at night, I do them again to quickly get back to sleep. The second thing is that I breathe 36 breaths (deep breaths from the diaphragm) and I usually do 12 at a time—often when I’m driving.

The whole philosophy is the energy flows we each have within our body, and if those flows become blocked, then there is a problem. Feeling the pulse in each finger or as directed in the book or the website, helps clear the blocks. I can’t explain it better than that but I can testify that for me it has worked. AND it is about as non-invasive as you can get.

Check it out.

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